Blog Tour – What is Loneliness?

It is my stop on the What is Loneliness blog tour written by Rebecca Eisenberg and illustrated by Kayla Phan.

For this tour I will be doing a book review.


Title: What is Loneliness?

Written by: Rebecca Eisenberg

Illustrated by: Kayla Phan

This creative non-fiction picture book starts by defining loneliness in a way young children can understand outlining both physical and emotional signals. Then What is Loneliness identifies strategies to help combat feeling lonely.

I liked the way this book identifies people can feel lonely at any age. At the back of the book are ten helpful suggestions to parents and carers to help somebody who may be suffering from loneliness, or finds it difficult to establish relationships with others. The author also lists her references to aid further reading.

A useful book which would be ideal for inspiring discussion about loneliness and what to do. Some of the strategies suggested in this book could then be elaborated on.


To follow the other stops on the tour check out the schedule:

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